Message from the Howdy Farm:

We need your help this Saturday from 9-12 in cleaning up a new garden area located behind the Horticulture department. The Howdy Farm recently inherited this space and plans to put in black berries, strawberries, kumkwats, and, of course, a variety of interesting vegetables for the spring, but we need your help to get this space cleaned up and ready for planting.

What: Garden Clean-Up and Pizza Party
When: This Saturday, 9-12
Where: Meet at The Farm

We will be cleaning up the existing beds and amending the soil with organic compost; a layer of cardboard will be installed (for water retention and preventative weed control) followed by a layer of mulch.  This is a great opportunity to take a break from studying, get experience in the garden, learn a few sustainable techniques, and spend sometime outside on a beautiful day.  There will be FREE PIZZA, friendly people, and good dirty fun.

Meet us at the farm at 9 o’clock on Saturday morning and we will truck it on over to the gardens. See you then!

Thanks and Gig’em,

-The Howdy Farmers

*If you have a horticultural event or opportunity you would like to submit for our ‘Featured’ section, please email the details to [email protected]