Aggie Horticulture Extension
Texas A&M’s horticultural sciences department provides a range of digital resources to reach nontraditional audiences and disseminate valuable information and convenient learning opportunities for individuals interested in horticulture, including courses on plant propagation, landscape design, and urban gardening.
These extension resources, along with our active Facebook pages and YouTube channels where we share tips and research findings, contribute to raising awareness, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering a wider appreciation for horticultural sciences among diverse audiences.

Horticulture Extension Topics
Earth-Kind Landscaping
The objective of Earth-Kind Landscaping is to combine the best of organic and traditional gardening and landscaping principles to create a horticultural system based on real world effectiveness and environmental responsibility.
Junior Master Gardener Program
The Junior Master Gardener program inspires youth to serve others through service learning and leadership development projects, and rewards them with certification and recognition.
Master Gardner Program
Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, and able to communicate with diverse groups of people.
Plant Picture Pages
Horticulture is all about plants and people enjoying looking at pictures of plants for reference and ideas. With the help of many collaborators, we’ve assembled a few theme-oriented searchable databases for use in our classes and for the public to use and enjoy.

Find an Extension Specialist
We have Extension Specialists across the state, conducting courses and providing resources to help Texans make decisions involving the nutrition and well-being of their families.
Browse our Resources on AgriLife Learn
We develop top-tier educational content, materials, and multimedia including online courses and publications to help our stakeholders make informed decisions.